"Vinci l’avait dit... non ?"
In order for this installation to blend in between a concentration of vertical buildings, I imagined a vertical tower of light that would rise from the ground as if it were slicing the air open. Weigh less, it appeared and disappeared depending on the time.
Embraced inside metallic rings, the powerfully lit tower of light was reflected at the top by a mirror that cast light downwards as it if were a solid yet intangible flow.
« From construction to deconstruction ;
A luminous absence inhabited like a ghost ;
A luminous image, like a drawing in between the buildings ;
Light turned into a material that embraced the sky in a surreal halo ;
Like a solid apparition, it disappeared like a fluid,
Furtive Tower of Babel » TD
Embraced inside metallic rings, the powerfully lit tower of light was reflected at the top by a mirror that cast light downwards as it if were a solid yet intangible flow.
« From construction to deconstruction ;
A luminous absence inhabited like a ghost ;
A luminous image, like a drawing in between the buildings ;
Light turned into a material that embraced the sky in a surreal halo ;
Like a solid apparition, it disappeared like a fluid,
Furtive Tower of Babel » TD