"Tu as senti ma fragilité"
Awarded every year, the Nobel Peace Prize is like a “light” that reminds us the state of ignorance and suffering that many countries are facing, and consecrate a figure who has devoted part of his or her life to search for peace.
Creating an installation that symbolizes peace came as evidence. Therefore, I imagined an enigmatic labyrinth that would build up day after day on the alley between the harbour and the city centre that many use once or twice daily. Breaking the symbolic linear symbolizing our daily lives, hundreds of tall monoliths are spread around to divert us from our habits. Built out of aluminium and marked by a central slit, some monoliths seem to breathe as a soft light escapes from the slit. Sculpted out of ice, others glow with a bluish light.
A path ending near the Nobel Peace Centre. A path towards peace.
Creating an installation that symbolizes peace came as evidence. Therefore, I imagined an enigmatic labyrinth that would build up day after day on the alley between the harbour and the city centre that many use once or twice daily. Breaking the symbolic linear symbolizing our daily lives, hundreds of tall monoliths are spread around to divert us from our habits. Built out of aluminium and marked by a central slit, some monoliths seem to breathe as a soft light escapes from the slit. Sculpted out of ice, others glow with a bluish light.
A path ending near the Nobel Peace Centre. A path towards peace.